ISO17025 CERTIFICATION: Jumping to the front of the line.

17025. It’s not a Zip Code, but it does identify a critical area Ultimate Linings works in every day with customers that demand the absolute highest technical and performance standards for polyurea coatings.

As performance standards go, ISO17025 certification confirms that the physical properties published in one of our technical data sheets for a particular coating formulation are of the highest standards.

So …

  • Tensile strength – check
  • Tear strength – check
  • Abrasion resistance — check
  • Hardness – check
  • Elongation – check
  • Light stability — check
  • Impact resistance — check

This level of engineering-backed quality assurance moves Ultimate Linings to the front of the line on project proposals, and ultimately produces more satisfied customers and long-lasting business relationships.

Alone in certification.

Accredited and issued by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), ISO17025 is the holy grail of certifications for engineers. Ultimate Linings is the only polyurea manufacturer that has attained it, the result of 3.5 years of significant investment, intensive and ongoing auditing, and state-of-the-art lab development.

Entities like the federal government, U.S. military and makers of fire apparatus obviously demand that their suppliers know what they’re doing; ISO17025 is proof positive of that know-how. When customers see our ISO17025 certification, they’re confident that the testing is complete and validated, and no additional testing will be needed on their part. It simplifies their jobs and increases their peace of mind in a coating’s capabilities, all while narrowing the range of qualified providers.

Take the military.

When an Army engineer specifies an abrasion-resistant coating for a tank or other armored vehicle, only coatings that are listed in its Qualified Product Database (QPD)—MIL Std. PRF32440—can be sourced. Our coating formulations designed for abrasion resistance are listed and fully vetted in the QPD. Ultimate Linings is one of only two companies to qualify for QPD listing, the net result of our ISO17025 certification.

Why aren’t our competitors ISO17025 certified?

Great question, and one you should ask next time they pitch your business. Always forging new ground, Ultimate Linings is driven by innovation. We’re over-achievers whose goal is to be recognized as the premier coatings company in the industry.

If our ISO17025 certification is any indication, we’re already there.

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