Ultimate Linings’ thin-film products—commonly categorized as a polyaspartic and recognized as an advancement in polyurea chemistry—deliver comparable protection to their thicker brethren while offering improved aesthetics and exceptional color stability.
Want to know what really sets Ultimate Linings apart from other polyurea manufacturers?
The answer in short: Next-level technical support at every stage.
Corrosion. It’s the bane of countless and diverse industries. Left unchecked, corrosion can reduce equipment performance and efficiency, impair product and equipment integrity, weaken load-bearing structures, and potentially jeopardize operator safety.
In the heart of Lebanon, Tennessee, stands a beacon of innovation and industrial prowess – the new facility of Ultimate Linings. This 302,000-square-foot complex is not just a building; it’s a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to growth, quality, and technological advancement in the polyurea industry.